Sunday, May 29, 2011

Dewey Decimal Classes ( DDC )

000 – Computer science, information & general works
    000 Computer science, knowledge & systems
        000 Computer science, knowledge & general works
        001 Knowledge
        002 The book (i.e. Meta writings about books)
        003 Systems
        004 Data processing & computer science
        005 Computer programming, programs & data
        006 Special computer methods
        007 [Unassigned]
        008 [Unassigned]
        009 [Unassigned]
    010 Bibliographies
        010 Bibliography
        011 Bibliographies
        012 Bibliographies of individuals
        013 [Unassigned]
        014 Of anonymous & pseudonymous works
        015 Bibliographies of works from specific places
        016 Bibliographies of works on specific subjects
        017 General subject catalogs
        018 Catalogs arranged by author, date, etc.
        019 Dictionary catalogs
    020 Library & information sciences
        020 Library & information sciences
        021 Library relationships
        022 Administration of physical plant
        023 Personnel management
        024 No longer used—formerly Regulations for readers
        025 Library operations
        026 Libraries for specific subjects
        027 General libraries
        028 Reading & use of other information media
        029 No longer used—formerly Literary methods
    030 Encyclopedias & books of facts
        030 General encyclopedic works
        031 Encyclopedias in American English
        032 Encyclopedias in English
        033 In other Germanic languages
        034 Encyclopedias in French, Occitan & Catalan
        035 In Italian, Romanian & related languages
        036 Encyclopedias in Spanish & Portuguese
        037 Encyclopedias in Slavic languages
        038 Encyclopedias in Scandinavian languages
        039 Encyclopedias in other languages
    040 No longer used—formerly Collected essays by language
        040 [Coming Soon]
        041 [Unassigned]
        042 [Unassigned]
        043 [Unassigned]
        044 [Unassigned]
        045 [Unassigned]
        046 [Unassigned]
        047 [Unassigned]
        048 [Unassigned]
        049 [Unassigned]
    050 Magazines, journals & serials
        050 General serial publications
        051 Serials in American English
        052 Serials in English
        053 Serials in other Germanic languages
        054 Serials in French, Occitan & Catalan
        055 In Italian, Romanian & related languages
        056 Serials in Spanish & Portuguese
        057 Serials in Slavic languages
        058 Serials in Scandinavian languages
        059 Serials in other languages
    060 Associations, organizations & museums
        060 General organizations & museology
        061 Organizations in North America
        062 Organizations in British Isles; in England
        063 Organizations in central Europe; in Germany
        064 Organizations in France & Monaco
        065 Organizations in Italy & adjacent islands
        066 In Iberian Peninsula & adjacent islands
        067 Organizations in eastern Europe; in Russia
        068 Organizations in other geographic areas
        069 Museum science
    070 News media, journalism & publishing
        070 News media, journalism & publishing
        071 Newspapers in North America
        072 Newspapers in British Isles; in England
        073 Newspapers in central Europe; in Germany
        074 Newspapers in France & Monaco
        075 Newspapers in Italy & adjacent islands
        076 In Iberian Peninsula & adjacent islands
        077 Newspapers in eastern Europe; in Russia
        078 Newspapers in Scandinavia
        079 Newspapers in other geographic areas
    080 General collections
        080 General collections
        081 Collections in American English
        082 Collections in English
        083 Collections in other Germanic languages
        084 Collections in French, Occitan & Catalan
        085 In Italian, Romanian & related languages
        086 Collections in Spanish & Portuguese
        087 Collections in Slavic languages
        088 Collections in Scandinavian languages
        089 Collections in other languages
    090 Manuscripts & rare books
        090 Manuscripts & rare books
        091 Manuscripts
        092 Block books
        093 Incunabula
        094 Printed books
        095 Books notable for bindings
        096 Books notable for illustrations
        097 Books notable for ownership or origin
        098 Prohibited works, forgeries & hoaxes
        099 Books notable for format

100 – Philosophy and psychology

    100 Philosophy
        100 Miscellany of philosophy & psychology
        101 Theory of philosophy
        102 Miscellany of philosophy
        103 Dictionaries of philosophy
        104 No longer used—formerly Essays
        105 Serial publications of philosophy
        106 Organizations of philosophy
        107 Education, research in philosophy
        108 Kinds of persons in philosophy
        109 Historical treatment of philosophy
    110 Metaphysics
        110 Metaphysics
        111 Ontology
        112 No longer used—formerly Methodology
        113 Cosmology (Philosophy of nature)
        114 Space
        115 Time
        116 Change
        117 Structure
        118 Force & Energy
        119 Number & quantity
    120 Epistemology, causation, humankind
        120 Epistemology, causation & humankind
        121 Epistemology (Theory of knowledge)
        122 Causation
        123 Determinism & indeterminism
        124 Teleology
        125 No longer used—formerly Infinity
        126 The self
        127 The unconscious & the subconscious
        128 Humankind
        129 Origin & destiny of individual souls
    130 Paranormal phenomena
        130 Parapsychology & occultism
        131 Occult methods for achieving well-being
        132 No longer used—formerly Mental derangements
        133 Parapsychology & occultism
        134 No longer used—formerly Mesmerism and Clairvoyance
        135 Dreams & mysteries
        136 No longer used—formerly Mental characteristics
        137 Divinatory graphology
        138 Physiognomy
        139 Phrenology
    140 Specific philosophical schools
        140 Specific philosophical schools
        141 Idealism & related systems
        142 Critical philosophy
        143 Intuitionism & Bergsonism
        144 Humanism & related systems
        145 Sensationalism
        146 Naturalism & related systems
        147 Pantheism & related systems
        148 Liberalism, eclecticism, traditionalism
        149 Other philosophical systems
    150 Psychology
        150 Psychology
        151 No longer used—formerly Intellect
        152 Perception, movement, emotions, drives
        153 Mental processes & intelligence
        154 Subconscious & altered states
        155 Differential & developmental psychology
        156 Comparative psychology
        157 No longer used—formerly Emotions
        158 Applied psychology
        159 No longer used—formerly Will
    160 Logic
        160 Logic
        161 Induction
        162 Deduction
        163 Not assigned or no longer used
        164 Not assigned or no longer used
        165 Fallacies & sources of error
        166 Syllogisms
        167 Hypotheses
        168 Argument & persuasion
        169 Analogy
    170 Ethics (Moral philosophy)
        170 Ethics
        171 Systems & doctrines
        172 Political ethics
        173 Ethics of family relationships
        174 Economic & professional ethics
        175 Ethics of recreation & leisure
        176 Ethics of sex & reproduction
        177 Ethics of social relations
        178 Ethics of consumption
        179 Other ethical norms
    180 Ancient, medieval, Oriental philosophy
        180 Ancient, medieval & eastern philosophy
        181 Oriental philosophy
        182 Pre-Socratic Greek philosophies
        183 Sophistic & Socratic philosophies
        184 Platonic philosophy
        185 Aristotelian philosophy
        186 Skeptic and Neoplatonic philosophies
        187 Epicurean philosophy
        188 Stoic philosophy
        189 Medieval Western philosophy
    190 Modern Western philosophy (19th-century, 20th-century)
        190 Modern western philosophy
        191 Modern Western philosophy United States & Canada
        192 Modern Western philosophy British Isles
        193 Modern Western philosophy Germany & Austria
        194 Modern Western philosophy France
        195 Modern Western philosophy Italy
        196 Modern Western philosophy Spain & Portugal
        197 Modern Western philosophy Soviet Union
        198 Modern Western philosophy Scandinavia
        199 Modern Western philosophy Other geographical areas

200 – Religion

    200 Religion
        200 Religion
        201 Religious mythology, general classes of religion, interreligious relations and attitudes, social theology
        202 Doctrines
        203 Public worship and other practices
        204 Religious experience, life, practice
        205 Religious ethics
        206 Leaders and organization
        207 Missions and religious education
        208 Sources
        209 Sects and reform movements
    210 Natural theology
        211 Concepts of God
        212 Existence, attributes of God
        213 Creation
        214 Theodicy
        215 Science & religion
        216 No longer used—formerly Evil
        217 No longer used—formerly Prayer
        218 Humankind
        219 No longer used—formerly Analogies
    220 Bible
        221 Old Testament
        222 Historical books of Old Testament
        223 Poetic books of Old Testament
        224 Prophetic books of Old Testament
        225 New Testament
        226 Gospels & Acts
        227 Epistles
        228 Revelation (Apocalypse)
        229 Apocrypha & pseudepigrapha
    230 Christian theology
        231 God
        232 Jesus Christ & his family
        233 Humankind
        234 Salvation (Soteriology) & grace
        235 Spiritual beings
        236 Eschatology
        237 No longer used—formerly Future state
        238 Creeds & catechisms
        239 Apologetics & polemics
    240 Christian moral & devotional theology
        241 Moral theology
        242 Devotional literature
        243 Evangelistic writings for individuals
        244 No longer used—formerly Religious fiction
        245 No longer used—formerly Hymnology
        246 Use of art in Christianity
        247 Church furnishings & articles
        248 Christian experience, practice, life
        249 Christian observances in family life
    250 Christian orders & local church
        251 Preaching (Homiletics)
        252 Texts of sermons
        253 Pastoral office (Pastoral theology)
        254 Parish government & administration
        255 Religious congregations & orders
        256 No longer used—formerly Religious societies
        257 No longer used—formerly Parochial schools, libraries, etc.
        258 No longer used—formerly Parochial medicine
        259 Activities of the local church
    260 Christian social theology
        261 Social theology
        262 Ecclesiology
        263 Times, places of religious observance
        264 Public worship
        265 Sacraments, other rites & acts
        266 Missions
        267 Associations for religious work
        268 Religious education
        269 Spiritual renewal
    270 Christian church history
        271 Religious orders in church history
        272 Persecutions in church history
        273 Heresies in church history
        274 Christian church in Europe
        275 Christian church in Asia
        276 Christian church in Africa
        277 Christian church in North America
        278 Christian church in South America
        279 Christian church in other areas
    280 Christian denominations & sects
        281 Early church & Eastern churches
        282 Roman Catholic Church
        283 Anglican churches
        284 Protestants of Continental origin
        285 Presbyterian, Reformed, Congregational
        286 Baptist, Disciples of Christ, Adventist
        287 Methodist & related churches
        288 No longer used—formerly Unitarian
        289 Other denominations & sects
    290 Other & comparative religions
        291 Comparative religion
        292 Classical (Greek & Roman) religion
        293 Germanic religion
        294 Religions of Indian origin
        295 Zoroastrianism (Mazdaism, Parseeism)
        296 Judaism
        297 Islam, Bábism & Bahá'í Faith
        298 No longer used—formerly Mormonism
        299 Other religions

300 – Social sciences

    300 Social sciences, sociology & anthropology
        300 Social sciences
        301 Sociology & anthropology
        302 Social interaction
        303 Social processes
        304 Factors affecting social behavior
        305 Social groups
        306 Culture & institutions
        307 Communities
        308 No longer used—formerly Polygraphy
        309 No longer used—formerly History of sociology
    310 General statistics
        311 No longer used—formerly Theory and methods
        312 No longer used—formerly Population
        313 No longer used—formerly Special topics
        314 General statistics Of Europe
        315 General statistics Of Asia
        316 General statistics Of Africa
        317 General statistics Of North America
        318 General statistics Of South America
        319 General statistics Of other parts of the world
    320 Political science
        321 Systems of governments & states
        322 Relation of state to organized groups
        323 Civil & political rights
        324 The political process
        325 International migration & colonization
        326 Slavery & emancipation
        327 International relations
        328 The legislative process
        329 Not assigned or no longer used
    330 Economics
        331 Labor economics
        332 Financial economics
        333 Land economics
        334 Cooperatives
        335 Socialism & related systems
        336 Public finance
        337 International economics
        338 Production
        339 Macroeconomics & related topics
    340 Law
        341 International law
        342 Constitutional & administrative law
        343 Military, tax, trade, industrial law
        344 Social, labor, welfare, & related law
        345 Criminal law
        346 Private law
        347 Civil procedure & courts
        348 Law (Statutes), regulations, cases
        349 Law of specific jurisdictions & areas
    350 Public administration
        351 Of central governments
        352 Of local governments
        353 of U.S. federal & state governments
        354 Of specific central governments
        355 Military science
        356 Foot forces & warfare
        357 Mounted forces & warfare
        358 Other specialized forces & services
        359 Sea (Naval) forces & warfare
    360 Social services; association
        361 General social problems
        362 Social welfare problems & services
        363 Other social problems & services
        364 Criminology
        365 Penal & related institutions
        366 Association
        367 General clubs
        368 Insurance
        369 Miscellaneous kinds of associations
    370 Education
        371 School management; special education
        372 Elementary education
        373 Secondary education
        374 Adult education
        375 Curriculums
        376 No longer used—formerly Education of women
        377 No longer used—formerly Ethical education
        378 Higher education
        379 Government regulation, control, support
    380 Commerce, communications, transport
        381 Internal commerce (Domestic trade)
        382 International commerce (Foreign trade)
        383 Postal communication
        384 Communications; Telecommunication
        385 Railroad transportation
        386 Inland waterway & ferry transportation
        387 Water, air, space transportation
        388 Transportation; Ground transportation
        389 Metrology & standardization
    390 Customs, etiquette, folklore
        391 Costume & personal appearance
        392 Customs of life cycle & domestic life
        393 Death customs
        394 General customs
        395 Etiquette (Manners)
        396 No longer used—formerly Women's position and treatment
        397 No longer used—formerly outcast studies
        398 Folklore
        399 Customs of war & diplomacy

400 – Language

    400 Language
        400 Language
        401 Philosophy & theory
        402 Miscellany
        403 Dictionaries & encyclopedias
        404 Special topics
        405 Serial publications
        406 Organizations & management
        407 Education, research, related topics
        408 With respect to kinds of persons
        409 Geographical & persons treatment
    410 Linguistics
        411 Writing systems
        412 Etymology
        413 Dictionaries
        414 Phonology
        415 Structural systems (Grammar)
        416 No longer used—formerly Prosody (linguistics)
        417 Dialectology & historical linguistics
        418 Standard usage; Applied linguistics
        419 Verbal language not spoken or written
    420 English & Old English
        421 English writing system & phonology
        422 English etymology
        423 English dictionaries
        424 No longer used—formerly English thesauruses
        425 English grammar
        426 No longer used—formerly English prosodies
        427 English language variations
        428 Standard English usage
        429 Old English (Anglo-Saxon)
    430 Germanic languages; German
        431 German writing system & phonology
        432 German etymology
        433 German dictionaries
        434 Not assigned or no longer used
        435 German grammar
        436 Not assigned or no longer used
        437 German language variations
        438 Standard German usage
        439 Other Germanic languages
    440 Romance languages; French
        441 French writing system & phonology
        442 French etymology
        443 French dictionaries
        444 Not assigned or no longer used
        445 French grammar
        446 Not assigned or no longer used
        447 French language variations
        448 Standard French usage
        449 Provençal & Catalan
    450 Italian, Romanian, Rhaeto-Romanic
        451 Italian writing system & phonology
        452 Italian etymology
        453 Italian dictionaries
        454 Not assigned or no longer used
        455 Italian grammar
        456 Not assigned or no longer used
        457 Italian language variations
        458 Standard Italian usage
        459 Romanian & Rhaeto-Romanic
    460 Spanish & Portuguese languages
        461 Spanish writing system & phonology
        462 Spanish etymology
        463 Spanish dictionaries
        464 Not assigned or no longer used
        465 Spanish grammar
        466 Not assigned or no longer used
        467 Spanish language variations
        468 Standard Spanish usage
        469 Portuguese
    470 Italic languages; Latin
        471 Classical Latin writing & phonology
        472 Classical Latin etymology & phonology
        473 Classical Latin dictionaries
        474 Not assigned or no longer used
        475 Classical Latin grammar
        476 Not assigned or no longer used
        477 Old, Postclassical, Vulgar Latin
        478 Classical Latin usage
        479 Other Italic languages
    480 Hellenic languages; Classical Greek
        481 Classical Greek writing & phonology
        482 Classical Greek etymology
        483 Classical Greek dictionaries
        484 Not assigned or no longer used
        485 Classical Greek grammar
        486 Not assigned or no longer used
        487 Preclassical & postclassical Greek
        488 Classical Greek usage
        489 Other Hellenic languages
    490 Other languages
        491 East Indo-European & Celtic languages
        492 Afro-Asiatic languages; Semitic
        493 Non-Semitic Afro-Asiatic languages
        494 Ural-Altaic, Paleosiberian, Dravidian
        495 Languages of East & Southeast Asia
        496 African languages
        497 North American native languages
        498 South American native languages
        499 Miscellaneous languages

500 – Science

    500 Sciences
        500 Natural sciences & mathematics
        501 Philosophy & theory
        502 Miscellany
        503 Dictionaries & encyclopedias
        504 Not assigned or no longer used
        505 Serial publications
        506 Organizations & management
        507 Education, research, related topics
        508 Natural history
        509 Historical, geographic, persons treatment
    510 Mathematics
        511 General principles
        512 Algebra & number theory
        513 Arithmetic
        514 Topology
        515 Analysis
        516 Geometry
        517 Not assigned or no longer used
        518 Numerical analysis
        519 Probabilities & applied mathematics
    520 Astronomy & allied sciences
        521 Celestial mechanics
        522 Techniques, equipment, materials
        523 Specific celestial bodies & phenomena
        524 Not assigned or no longer used
        525 Earth (Astronomical geography)
        526 Mathematical geography
        527 Celestial navigation
        528 Ephemerides
        529 Chronology
    530 Physics
        531 Classical mechanics; Solid mechanics
        532 Fluid mechanics; Liquid mechanics
        533 Gas mechanics
        534 Sound & related vibrations
        535 Light & paraphotic phenomena
        536 Heat
        537 Electricity & electronics
        538 Magnetism
        539 Modern physics
    540 Chemistry & allied sciences
        541 Physical & theoretical chemistry
        542 Techniques, equipment, materials
        543 Analytical chemistry
        544 Qualitative analysis
        545 Quantitative analysis
        546 Inorganic chemistry
        547 Organic chemistry
        548 Crystallography
        549 Mineralogy
    550 Earth sciences
        551 Geology, hydrology, meteorology
        552 Petrology
        553 Economic geology
        554 Earth sciences of Europe
        555 Earth sciences of Asia
        556 Earth sciences of Africa
        557 Earth sciences of North America
        558 Earth sciences of South America
        559 Earth sciences of other areas
    560 Paleontology; Paleozoology
        561 Paleobotany
        562 Fossil invertebrates
        563 Fossil primitive phyla
        564 Fossil Mollusca & Molluscoidea
        565 Other fossil invertebrates
        566 Fossil Vertebrata (Fossil Craniata)
        567 Fossil cold-blooded vertebrates
        568 Fossil Aves (Fossil birds)
        569 Fossil Mammalia
    570 Life sciences
        571 Physiology
        572 Biochemistry
        573 Physiological systems of animals
        574 Not assigned or no longer used
        575 Physiological systems of plants
        576 Genetics and evolution
        577 Ecology
        578 Natural history of organisms
        579 Microorganisms, fungi, algae
    580 Plants
        581 Botany
        582 Plants noted for specific vegetative characteristics and flowers
        583 Dicotyledones
        584 Monocotyledones
        585 Gymnospermae (Pinophyta)
        586 Cryptogamia (Seedless plants)
        587 Pteridophyta (Vascular cryptogams)
        588 Bryophyta
        589 Not assigned or no longer used
    590 Zoological sciences/Animals
        591 Zoology
        592 Invertebrates
        593 Protozoa, Echinodermata, related phyla
        594 Mollusca & Molluscoidea
        595 Other invertebrates
        596 Vertebrata (Craniata, Vertebrates)
        597 Cold-blooded vertebrates, fishes
        598 Aves (Birds)
        599 Mammalia (Mammals)

600 – Technology

    600 Technology (Applied sciences)
        600 Technology
        601 Philosophy & theory
        602 Miscellany
        603 Dictionaries & encyclopedias
        604 Special topics
        605 Serial publications
        606 Organizations
        607 Education, research, related topics
        608 Invention & patents
        609 Historical, geographic, persons treatment
    610 Medical sciences; Medicine
        611 Human anatomy, cytology, histology
        612 Human physiology
        613 Promotion of health
        614 Incidence & prevention of disease
        615 Pharmacology and therapeutics
        616 Diseases
        617 Surgery & related medical specialties
        618 Gynaecology & other medical specialties
        619 Experimental medicine
    620 Engineering & Applied operations
        621 Applied physics
        622 Mining & related operations
        623 Military & nautical engineering
        624 Civil engineering
        625 Engineering of railroads, roads
        626 Not assigned or no longer used
        627 Hydraulic engineering
        628 Sanitary & municipal engineering
        629 Other branches of engineering
    630 Agriculture
        631 Techniques, equipment, materials
        632 Plant injuries, diseases, pests
        633 Field & plantation crops
        634 Orchards, fruits, forestry
        635 Garden crops (Horticulture)
        636 Animal husbandry
        637 Processing dairy & related products
        638 Insect culture
        639 Hunting, fishing, conservation
    640 Home economics & family living
        641 Food & drink
        642 Meals & table service
        643 Housing & household equipment
        644 Household utilities
        645 Household furnishings
        646 Sewing, clothing, personal living
        647 Management of public households
        648 Housekeeping
        649 Child rearing & home care of sick
    650 Management & auxiliary services
        651 Office services
        652 Processes of written communication
        653 Shorthand
        654 Not assigned or no longer used
        655 Not assigned or no longer used
        656 Not assigned or no longer used
        657 Accounting
        658 General management
        659 Advertising & public relations
    660 Chemical engineering
        661 Industrial chemicals technology
        662 Explosives, fuels technology
        663 Beverage technology
        664 Food technology
        665 Industrial oils, fats, waxes, gases
        666 Ceramic & allied technologies
        667 Cleaning, color, related technologies
        668 Technology of other organic products
        669 Metallurgy
    670 Manufacturing
        671 Metalworking & metal products
        672 Iron, steel, other iron alloys
        673 Nonferrous metals
        674 Lumber processing, wood products, cork
        675 Leather & fur processing
        676 Pulp & paper technology
        677 Textiles
        678 Elastomers & elastomer products
        679 Other products of specific materials
    680 Manufacture for specific uses
        681 Precision instruments & other devices
        682 Small forge work (Blacksmithing)
        683 Hardware & household appliances
        684 Furnishings & home workshops
        685 Leather, fur, related products
        686 Printing & related activities
        687 Clothing
        688 Other final products & packaging
        689 Not assigned or no longer used
    690 Buildings
        691 Building materials
        692 Auxiliary construction practices
        693 Specific materials & purposes
        694 Wood construction; Carpentry
        695 Roof covering
        696 Utilities
        697 Heating, ventilating, air-conditioning
        698 Detail finishing
        699 Not assigned or no longer used

700 – Arts

    700 Arts
        700 The Arts; fine & decorative arts
        701 Philosophy & theory
        702 Miscellany
        703 Dictionaries & encyclopedias
        704 Special topics
        705 Serial publications
        706 Organizations & management
        707 Education, research, related topics
        708 Galleries, museums, private collections
        709 Historical, areas, persons treatment
    710 Civic & landscape art
        711 Area planning (Civic art)
        712 Landscape architecture
        713 Landscape architecture of trafficways
        714 Water features
        715 Woody plants
        716 Herbaceous plants
        717 Structures
        718 Landscape design of cemeteries
        719 Natural landscapes
    720 Architecture
        721 Architectural structure
        722 Architecture to ca. 300
        723 Architecture from ca. 300 to 1399
        724 Architecture from 1400
        725 Public structures
        726 Buildings for religious purposes
        727 Buildings for education & research
        728 Residential & related buildings
        729 Design & decoration
    730 Plastic arts; Sculpture
        731 Processes, forms, subjects of sculpture
        732 Sculpture to ca. 500
        733 Greek, Etruscan, Roman sculpture
        734 Sculpture from ca. 500 to 1399
        735 Sculpture from 1400
        736 Carving & carvings
        737 Numismatics & sigillography
        738 Ceramic arts
        739 Art metalwork
    740 Drawing & decorative arts
        741 Drawing & drawings
        742 Perspective (graphical)
        743 Drawing & drawings by subject
        744 Not assigned or no longer used
        745 Decorative arts
        746 Textile arts
        747 Interior decoration
        748 Glass
        749 Furniture & accessories
    750 Painting & paintings
        751 Techniques, equipment, forms
        752 Color
        753 Symbolism, allegory, mythology, legend
        754 Genre paintings
        755 Religion & religious symbolism
        756 Not assigned or no longer used
        757 Human figures & their parts
        758 Other subjects
        759 Geographical, historical, areas, persons treatment
    760 Graphic arts; Printmaking & prints
        761 Relief processes (Block printing)
        762 Not assigned or no longer used
        763 Lithographic (Planographic) processes
        764 Chromolithography & serigraphy
        765 Metal engraving
        766 Mezzotinting & related processes
        767 Etching & drypoint
        768 Not assigned or no longer used
        769 Prints
    770 Photography & photographs
        771 Techniques, equipment, materials
        772 Metallic salt processes
        773 Pigment processes of printing
        774 Holography
        775 Digital photography
        776 Computer art
        777 Not assigned or no longer used
        778 Fields & kinds of photography
        779 Photographs
    780 Music
        781 General principles & musical forms
        782 Vocal music
        783 Music for single voices; The voice
        784 Instruments & Instrumental ensembles
        785 Chamber music
        786 Keyboard & other instruments
        787 Stringed instruments (Chordophones)
        788 Wind instruments (Aerophones)
        789 Not assigned or no longer used
    790 Recreational & performing arts
        791 Public performances
        792 Stage presentations
        793 Indoor games & amusements
        794 Indoor games of skill
        795 Games of chance
        796 Athletic & outdoor sports & games
        797 Aquatic & air sports
        798 Equestrian sports & animal racing
        799 Fishing, hunting, shooting

800 – Literature

    800 Literature rhetoric & criticism
        800 Literature & rhetoric
        801 Philosophy & theory
        802 Miscellany
        803 Dictionaries & encyclopedias
        804 Not assigned or no longer used
        805 Serial publications
        806 Organizations
        807 Education, research, related topics
        808 Rhetoric & collections of literature
        809 Literary history & criticism
    810 American literature in English
        811 Poetry
        812 Drama
        813 Fiction
        814 Essays
        815 Speeches
        816 Letters
        817 Satire & humor
        818 Miscellaneous writings
        819 Not assigned or no longer used
    820 English & Old English literatures
        821 English poetry
        822 English drama
        823 English fiction
        824 English essays
        825 English speeches
        826 English letters
        827 English satire & humor
        828 English miscellaneous writings
        829 Old English (Anglo-Saxon)
    830 Literatures of Germanic languages
        831 German poetry
        832 German drama
        833 German fiction
        834 German essays
        835 German speeches
        836 German letters
        837 German satire & humor
        838 German miscellaneous writings
        839 Other Germanic literatures
    840 Literatures of Romance languages
        841 French poetry
        842 French drama
        843 French fiction
        844 French essays
        845 French speeches
        846 French letters
        847 French satire & humor
        848 French miscellaneous writings
        849 Provençal & Catalan
    850 Italian, Romanian, Rhaeto-Romanic
        851 Italian poetry
        852 Italian drama
        853 Italian fiction
        854 Italian essays
        855 Italian speeches
        856 Italian letters
        857 Italian satire & humor
        858 Italian miscellaneous writings
        859 Romanian & Rhaeto-Romanic
    860 Spanish & Portuguese literatures
        861 Spanish poetry
        862 Spanish drama
        863 Spanish fiction
        864 Spanish essays
        865 Spanish speeches
        866 Spanish letters
        867 Spanish satire & humor
        868 Spanish miscellaneous writings
        869 Portuguese
    870 Italic literatures; Latin
        871 Latin poetry
        872 Latin dramatic poetry & drama
        873 Latin epic poetry & fiction
        874 Latin lyric poetry
        875 Latin speeches
        876 Latin letters
        877 Latin satire & humor
        878 Latin miscellaneous writings
        879 Literatures of other Italic languages
    880 Hellenic literatures; Classical Greek
        881 Classical Greek poetry
        882 Classical Greek drama
        883 Classical Greek epic poetry & fiction
        884 Classical Greek lyric poetry
        885 Classical Greek speeches
        886 Classical Greek letters
        887 Classical Greek satire & humor
        888 Classical Greek miscellaneous writings
        889 Modern Greek
    890 Literatures of other languages
        891 East Indo-European & Celtic
        892 Afro-Asiatic literatures Semitic
        893 Non-Semitic Afro-Asiatic literatures
        894 Ural-Altaic, Paleosiberian, Dravidian
        895 Literatures of East & Southeast Asia
        896 African literatures
        897 North American native literatures
        898 South American native literatures
        899 Other literatures

900 – History, geography, (& biography)

    900 History
        900 History & geography
        901 Philosophy & theory
        902 unassigned
        903 Dictionaries & encyclopedias
        904 Collected accounts of events
        905 Serial publications
        906 Organizations & management
        907 Education, research, related topics
        908 With respect to kinds of persons
        909 World history
    910 Geography & travel
        911 Historical geography
        912 Graphic representations of earth
        913 Ancient world
        914 Europe
        915 Asia
        916 Africa
        917 North America
        918 South America
        919 Other areas
    920 Biography, genealogy, insignia
        921-928 This range is reserved as an optional location for biographies, which are shelved alphabetically by subject's last name.
        929 Genealogy, names, insignia
    930 History of ancient world
        931 History of ancient world; China
        932 History of ancient world; Egypt
        933 History of ancient world; Palestine
        934 History of ancient world; India
        935 History of ancient world; Mesopotamia & Iranian Plateau
        936 History of ancient world; Europe north & west of Italy
        937 History of ancient world; Italy & adjacent territories
        938 History of ancient world; Greece
        939 History of ancient world; Other parts of ancient world
    940 General history of Europe
        941 General history of Europe; British Isles
        942 General history of Europe; England & Wales
        943 General history of Europe; Central Europe; Germany
        944 General history of Europe; France & Monaco
        945 General history of Europe; Italian Peninsula & adjacent islands
        946 General history of Europe; Iberian Peninsula & adjacent islands
        947 General history of Europe; Eastern Europe; Russia
        948 General history of Europe; Northern Europe; Scandinavia
        949 General history of Europe; Other parts of Europe
    950 General history of Asia; Far East
        951 General history of Asia; China & adjacent areas
        952 General history of Asia; Japan
        953 General history of Asia; Arabian Peninsula & adjacent areas
        954 General history of Asia; South Asia; India
        955 General history of Asia; Iran
        956 General history of Asia; Middle East (Near East)
        957 General history of Asia; Siberia (Asiatic Russia)
        958 General history of Asia; Central Asia
        959 General history of Asia; Southeast Asia
    960 General history of Africa
        961 General history of Africa; Tunisia & Libya
        962 General history of Africa; Egypt & Sudan
        963 General history of Africa; Ethiopia
        964 General history of Africa; Morocco & Canary Islands
        965 General history of Africa; Algeria
        966 General history of Africa; West Africa & offshore islands
        967 General history of Africa; Central Africa & offshore islands
        968 General history of Africa; Southern Africa
        969 General history of Africa; South Indian Ocean islands
    970 General history of North America
        971 General history of North America; Canada
        972 General history of North America; Middle America; Mexico
        973 General history of North America; United States
        974 General history of North America; Northeastern United States
        975 General history of North America; Southeastern United States
        976 General history of North America; South central United States
        977 General history of North America; North central United States
        978 General history of North America; Western United States
        979 General history of North America; Great Basin & Pacific Slope
    980 General history of South America
        981 General history of South America; Brazil
        982 General history of South America; Argentina
        983 General history of South America; Chile
        984 General history of South America; Bolivia
        985 General history of South America; Peru
        986 General history of South America; Colombia & Ecuador
        987 General history of South America; Venezuela
        988 General history of South America; Guiana
        989 General history of South America; Paraguay & Uruguay
    990 General history of other areas
        991 Not assigned or no longer used
        992 Not assigned or no longer used
        993 General history of other areas; New Zealand
        994 General history of other areas; Australia
        995 General history of other areas; Melanesia; New Guinea
        996 General history of other areas; Other parts of Pacific Polynesia
        997 General history of other areas; Atlantic Ocean islands
        998 General history of other areas; Arctic islands & Antarctica
        999 Extraterrestrial worlds

Kumpulan Serial Number